is the largest marketplace
for LIVE entertainment of NL en BE
Artists present themselves on our platform
You can book them for your own event

Contact with artist



    • Find a suitable act for your event.
    • Send a no-obligation request to the artist.

How do I request an act?

Artists present themselves on our platform. So you do a request directly at the artist.
Enter the desired date and time on the relevant act. Is the act available?
Then click on [Request ACT]. Then enter the request form and click [Send].
Every request you do is without obligation. Read more about how our independent platform works.

 Do multiple requests for a greater chance of a match.

What does ShowBird cost?

Nothing at all, the use of ShowBird is for customers free!

What info does the artist need?

Global info about your event, plus a possible question / comment for the artist.
The request form has various entry fields with the information required.

I have made a request, what can I expect?

The artist will respond to your request as soon as possible:

      • sends a proposal
      • sends chat message
      • Request

Your request arrives directly to the artist (or his personal manager).
Artists respond fairly quickly to a request: usually within 4 hours, but no later than 24 hours.

Is a request binding?

No, every request is without obligation. Only when you book the act it creates an agreement between you and the artist.

Can I find my request?

Yes, that is possible. You will find all your requests in your ShowBird account under Request.
You will also receive an e-mail with a shipping confirmation per request.

Can I revoke my request?

Yes, that is possible. Go to the page with your Requests and click on the right act to [Request].
Then click on the bottom left at [Cancel request].

Have you booked another act for the same time? Or is there another reason that you no longer want to book the act? Then withdraw your request. It is important that you do this on time, so that the artist does not take your request into account anymore.

What if artist rejects my request?

We will send you alternative acts. You will receive this via an e-mail and then you can request yourself.

If an artist his or her ShowBird agenda is not up-to-date, it may happen that he is unexpectedly available. The request will then be rejected. You will receive an e-mail containing the reason for rejection. If the date is the problem, consider making a request for another date.

There was that Act was available, but artist rejects request?

If an artist his ShowBird agenda has not up-to-date, it may happen that he is unexpectedly available. The request will then be rejected. You will receive an e-mail containing the reason for rejection. If the date is the problem, consider making a request for another date.

We will send you alternative acts. You will receive this via an e-mail and then you can request yourself.

What if artist goes on my request?

The artist sends you an 'official' proposal. You will receive an e-mail for notification.
You can then make the decision whether you want to make the act permanently book.
All the proposals you have received can be found in your ShowBird account under Request.


Contact with artist

  • The artist responds to your request as soon as possible.
  • Consult with the artist in the chat function at ShowBird.

Can I consult with artist?

Yes, that is possible. On ShowBird we offer a WhatsApp-like chat function for this. This way you immediately register everything you are discussing. You will find the chat function under the blue speech bubble with your Requests.

A performance is still Often customization, so we understand it if you first want to make a personal contact with the artist.

Can I email / call / agree with artist?

Yes, that is possible. Please contact ShowBird via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Tip: On ShowBird we have a WhatsApp-like chat function in which you can contact the artist 1-on-1. Put everything that you (externally) discussed in the chat so that all agreements are recorded.

How long does it take before artist respond?

Artists respond fairly quickly to a request: usually within 4 hours, but no later than 24 hours. The artist will respond to your request as soon as possible:

    • sends a proposal
    • sends chat message
    • Request

Can I send photos / videos to artist?

Yes, that is possible. Send your material to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we will immediately forward it to the artist.
Sometimes it is important for the proposal that the artist receives images. Think of images from, for example, the party location, stage or technology.



      • If the artist accepts your request, you will receive his official proposal.
      • You can reject or accept this proposal.

I have received a proposal, what?

Every proposal is without obligation and contains the specific price that the artist asks for a performance at your event. For consumers, the price incl. VAT is shown, for business customers excl. VAT.

The proposal contains the information from your request + the requirements for the occurrence (think of available space, Rider, etc.). Any additional agreements that you have made with the artist are also in it.

Where can I view the proposal?

You will receive an email with a link to the proposal once the artist has submitted it. You can always find the proposal in your ShowBird account under Requests. You can also click on 'download as PDF' at the top right. This way you can possibly share the proposal with colleagues. 

How long is the proposal valid?

If we notice 48 hours of inactivity from your side, we will send you an email you can indicate whether your request is still current or not:

      • Do you need more time? Let the artist know that you are still interested.
      • isn't it going to be? Then reject the proposal.

Do not take action within 24 hours after this mail, then we will assume that you no longer have an interest and we will receive your request from our system.

How do I accept a proposal?

If you agree with the proposal, then click on the [Accept] button at the bottom. You will then be directed directly to the payment page. There you can see the total price incl. VAT. You choose a payment method and confirms the booking by paying. Read more about Payment & Invoices.

The booking is finally at the time you have made the payment. You and the artist receive an e-mail to confirm. This also includes the booking contract with the contact details of you and the artist.

How do I reject a proposal?

Click in your ShowBird account under Request to [Check Request]. Then click on the [PROPOSAL] button at the bottom button. Is the proposal exactly what you expected? Then you can reject it. Indicate why you reject the proposal. In some cases, that may result in an adapted proposal from the artist.

Why would I reject a proposal?

The artist awaits your response and wants to know where he stands. Prevent artists to wait unnecessarily at your answer and therefore missing performances.

I want an option to an act, can that?

Every proposal is without obligation. We do not work with options. If we notice 48 hours of inactivity from your side, we will send you an email you can indicate whether your request is still up to date or not:

  • Do you need more time? Let the artist know that you are still interested.
  • isn't it going to be? Then reject the proposal.

Do not take action within 24 hours after this mail, then we will assume that you no longer have an interest and we will receive your request from our system.

Note: only when you accept and pay the proposal, a binding agreement is created. The performance is then final and immediately blocked in the artist's agenda. Read more about how our independent platform works.

What is a Rider?

A Rider is a list of all wishes and supplies around the performance of an artist. Consider, for example, the dimensions of a desired stage.



    • You definitively by paying the booking.
    • The contract is automatically sent to you and artist.

How do I book an act?

You book an act by accepting and paying the proposal. Click on the [Book this Act] button at the bottom of the proposal. You will then be directed directly to the payment page. You choose a payment method and confirms the booking. Read more about Payment & Invoices.

NOTE: The booking is final when you have done the payment. You and the artist receive an e-mail to confirm. This also includes the booking contract with the contact details of you and the artist.

When is the booking final?

Only if the payment has succeeded, then you have a definitive booking. You will immediately receive an e-mail with the booking contract. You will also find all information for this performance under your request in your ShowBird account.

With whom do I have a contract?

There is an agreement between you ('client') and the artist ('Contractor'). Showbird is not a party. We have only made the booking possible through our platform. Read more about how our independent platform works.

When will I receive an invoice?

You receive the invoice 24 to 48 hours after the performance via Showbird.

Can I still cancel the booking?

Try to prevent this at all times. But, yes, you can cancel a booking. At the bottom of the agreement (found at the ticket in your ShowBird account under Request) you will find a 'Cancel' button. Read more about Cancelling.

I have not received a booking contract, what now?

After payment you will receive the booking contract in the email. Not received? Check first if the payment has succeeded. If the ACT has been booked, there is a 'booked' in large letters on the ticket (in your ShowBird account under requests). Both the case? Please contact ShowBird via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Read more about Payment & Invoices



  • Discuss details about the performance with the artist.

The date of the performance has changed, what?

First, make sure that the artist is aware of the change. Both agreed? Give the change to us through This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., then we apply it to the system (i.g.M. Paying the artist).

The time of the performance has changed, what now?

First, make sure that the artist is aware of the change. Both agreed?
Then you don't have to do anything. The artist is paid out the day after the performance.

What time does the artist come?

Practical matters about the performance you can discuss 1-to-1 with the artist.
In the booking contract you will find the contact details of the artist.

Where can I find the contact details of the artist?

In the booking contract you will find the contact details of the artist. The booking contract is sent to you via e-mail at the time of booking. You will also find the booking contract in your ShowBird account under Requests, at the Ticket of the specific booking.

Do I have to prepare something for the performance?

Practical matters about the performance you can discuss 1-to-1 with the artist.
In the booking contract you will find the contact details of the artist.

Have you consulted the above information, but you still have not found the answers you have been looking for?
Then you can contact us by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 
Or call us: between 9:00 am - 5:00 pm we can be reached by telephone at 0702810060



ShowBird is a platform

We are the online marketplace that brings
together buyers (customers)and suppliers

Do you have substantive questions about the
acts? Ask them to the artists.              Read more

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