1,5 hour
ADHD, giftedness and autism. In education, we know how to deal with labels and educational needs. But in the workplace, "neurospicey" employees can be a challenge. Sofie herself turned her challenge into her strength and loves to share how!
Neurodiversity is not just in the child brain. We sometimes forget that all children grow up and then enter the business world with their particularities. Because yes, adults with ADHD, for example, also exist.
They are creative, enthusiastic and involved, active employees. But sometimes also chaotic and very busy. How can you make sure that not only the employee adapts, resulting in a lot of pressure and sometimes failure, but that the shop floor also understands these employees better and makes adjustments so they can flourish?
Sofie likes to explain how the most common neurodiverse brains (adhd, autism, giftedness) work and are optimized so that it becomes a quality and not a handicap.
Sofie is in the media as an education
specialist with Algemeen Dagblad and Radio 1 and a documentary was made about her work which can be seen at NPO, Sofie's Utopia. She has been working in education for over 15 years and has set up several projects for doubly special students who are gifted and differently challenged. She became nationally known as teacher Sofie after the documentary "Utopia of Sofie" where her "being different" turned out to be her strength and pitfall.
, Astrid Persons
Sofie gave a lecture for the CNV leadership lab on the do's and dont's of a school leader. She knows better than anyone else what a teacher wants from a school leader because of her years of practical experience. In addition, she is theoretically well versed. Moreover, she knows how to constantly captivate the audience and keep their attention with her sparkling way of presenting. Her sense of humor certainly helps with that!
, Jeffrey
We would like to thank you immensely for the two inspiring workshops and presentations you gave at our school. The session on giftedness was a real eye-opener for us. With your energetic and refreshing approach you knew how to make complex subjects practical and you gave us very fine insights into the education of gifted students. Our teachers learned a lot from your session and immediately felt more competent and motivated to tackle their lessons. The workshop on opportunity inequality was at least as inspiring. The teachers came out of your presentation full of energy and positivity. Thanks to your workshops, our teachers feel better equipped to support and guide all students, regardless of background, talents or challenges. We look forward to future collaborations and can heartily recommend you to other schools looking for expert and inspiring support. We are fans!
€ 2.950,-
act price ex 21% VATThe request is non-committal.
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