How much does Showbird cost?
Showbird is free for clients.
When do I pay for a booking?
The booking will only be finalised after payment has been completed. This means you have to pay the full booking amount immediately. The fee will be transferred to the artist's bank account no later than 3 working days after the performance.
What are the payment options?
Showbird accepts the following payment forms:
- Creditcard
- PayPal
How do I get my refund?
If you're entitled to a refund due to a cancellation or a no-show, the amount will be transferred to the bank account from which the original payment was made.
When will I receive the invoice?
You'll receive the invoice no later than 3 working days after the performance.
The artist isn't registered with the chamber of commerce. How does this affect the invoice?
In this case, you'll be sent a receipt instead of an invoice.
What happens if I cancel a performance?
The consequences of cancelling a performance depend on the stipulations in the cancellation policy. You'll receive an invoice for the amount that cannot be refunded.
I lost my invoice. Can you send it again?
Sure thing. Just send an
If you have any additional questions, feel free to contact us by