Keynote spreker Quantum Computing Concern - Non-Techn
Quantum Computing, AI and ML are some of the most promising technologies of the 21st century. AI and ML and Cryptography have already revolutionized various industries, including healthcare, finance, and transportation, by automating processes, reducing costs, and improving efficiency. Quantum computing, on the other hand, is still in its early stages, but it has the potential to solve problems that classical computers can’t. However, with the rise of these technologies, there are also concerns about cybersecurity. Quantum computing, for instance, poses new risks to cybersecurity, as it can break the public key encryption we use today.
Soenil Soebedar is een oplossingsgerichte IT- en Cybersecurity-professional die meer dan 32 jaar in de IT-sector heeft gewerkt, 22 jaar als Freelancer en Oprichter & CEO van SOEBIT Cybersecurity in Utrecht, Nederland en 12 jaar in het Cybersecurity-veld als Ethische Hacker, Penetratietester, PKI/Cryptografie specialist en Architect, Senior Security Engineer, Senior SOC Specialist, Digital Forensics Investigator. Hij woont en studeert in Nederland, geboren in Suriname.
Hij heeft 29 internationale cybersecurity-certificeringen, zoals (CEH) Ethical Hacker, RCCE, CCISO, CHFI, Microsoft Azure & Security SC-100, SC-200, AI-102, Mobile Forensics, cryptografie & geavanceerde penetratietesten, etc. • Hij is gecertificeerd trainer voor EC-Council & Rocheston cybersecurity-trainingen, spreekt 3 talen: Engels, Nederlands en Hindi.
Technische & Keynote Speaker op Cybersecurity-conferenties zoals CYBERSEC Nederland 2024 - Jaarbeurs,
CyberWiseCon 2024, IT/CS Universiteiten in Coimbatore, Ahmedabad, Delhi, Bangalore, NMITCON 2023+2024, Bangalore, AsiaTech Singapore 2023, C0c0n 2022 door de regering en politie van Kerala in India, Diversec-con, IEEE India, Rocheston Reinvent, Next Generation CyberMinds, Maleisië etc. In Engels, Nederlands of Hindi.
Soenil geeft Cybersecurity (virtuele) workshops, trainingen en webinars gegeven voor IT-professionals, hogescholen, universiteiten, bedrijven en Ministeries in Nederland, Frankrijk, Denemarken, VK, VS, Canada, Suriname, India, Ghana, Dubai, Singapore en Maleisië.
Soenil Soebedar is a solution-oriented IT & Cybersecurity professional who spent more than 32 years in the IT sector, 22 years as a Freelancer & Founder & CEO of SOEBIT Cybersecurity in Utrecht, Netherlands and 12 years in the Cyber Security field as Ethical Hacker, Penetration tester, PKI/Cryptography specialist and Architect, Senior Security Engineer, Senior SOC Specialist, Digital Forensics Investigator. He lives and study in the Netherlands and was born in Suriname.
He hold 29 International cybersecurity valid certifications, such as (CEH) Ethical Hacker, RCCE, CCISO, CHFI, Microsoft Azure & Security SC-100, SC-200, AI-102, Mobile Forensics, cryptography & advanced penetration testing etc. • He is certified Trainer for EC-Council & Rocheston cybersecurity training, Speaks 3 languages : English, Dutch, and Hindi.
Technical & Keynote Speaker on Cybersecurity conferences on Cybersec Asia 2025, CYBERSEC Netherlands 2024 - Jaarbeurs, CyberWiseCon 2024, IT/CS University’s in Coimbatore, Ahmedabad, Delhi, Bangalore, NMITCON 2023+2024, Bangalore, AsiaTech Singapore 2023, C0c0n 2022 by Kerala Government & Police in India, Diversec-con, IEEE India, Rocheston Reinvent, Next Generation CyberMinds, Malaysia, etc. Soenil had conducted the Cybersecurity (virtual) workshops, training and webinars for IT Professionals, colleges, universities, Companies, & Ministries The Netherlands, France, Denmark, UK, USA, Canada, Suriname, India, Ghana, Dubai, Singapore & Malaysia.
This keynote will delve into the basics of quantum computing and its implications for cybersecurity.
You will walk away with:
• Fundamentals of Quantum Computing & Cryptography
• Where are we currently using Cryptography
• High Level overview where Quantum Computing fit in the landscape
• What will be the Threat & Security impact for companies with Quantum Computing
• What is Post-Quantum & Quantum Supremacy
• Facts & Myths about Quantum Computing
• The impact of broken Cryptography
• Where can / will we use Quantum Computing, and where not to use
• Impacts of Quantum Attacks on Current Encryption
• In 4 easy steps to prepare us for Quantum Computing
Keywords: Quantum Computing , Quantum Supremacy, Cryptography, PQC, Qubit, Cybersecurity, Cybersecurity threats, Quantum fundamentals, super computers, quantum, encryption, RSA,
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